Many people seek treatment for legal as well as medical reasons, as in the case of DUI charges.
Alternatives has years of experience working with attorneys, the courts, and probation/parole authorities, providing drug and alcohol treatment as an alternative to jail terms and other penalties.
Oftentimes, a representative from Alternatives is able to attend court with you and support you in your case.
Addiction Legal Resources – Marchman Act
In the state of Florida, family and friends of addicts have legal recourse available to get help for their loved ones through the use of a Marchman Act.
What is a Marchman Act?
A Marchman Act is a means of providing an individual in need of substance abuse services with emergency services and temporary detention for substance abuse evaluation and treatment when required, either on a voluntary or involuntary basis.
How are voluntary and involuntary Marchman Act admissions different?
A voluntary admission is when a person who wishes to enter treatment for substance abuse applies to a service provider for voluntary admission.
An involuntary admission is when there is good faith reason to believe the person is substance abuse impaired and, because of such impairment, has lost the power of self control with respect to substance use; and either has inflicted, attempted or threatened to inflict, or unless admitted, is likely to inflict physical harm on himself/herself or another; or the person’s judgment has been so impaired because of substance abuse that he/she is incapable of appreciating the need for substance abuse services and of making a rational decision in regard to substance abuse services.
Who can file an Involuntary Marchman Act Petition?
A law enforcement officer may take a person into protective custody when the minor or adult appears to meet admission criteria and is brought to the attention of law enforcement or is in a public place.
In addition to a law enforcement officer’s authority to implement protective custody measures in emergency involuntary situations, a private practitioner, the person’s spouse or guardian, any relative of the person, the director of a licensed service provider or the director’s designee, or any three (3) responsible adults who have personal knowledge of the person’s substance abuse impairment or, in the case of a minor, the minor’s parent, legal guardian, legal custodian or licensed service provider can file an Involuntary Marchman Act Petition.
Please call our Admission team if you have legal concerns or would like additional information regarding the Marchman Act or addiction legal resources in general