addicted-sonIf your loved one has relapsed following treatment, it is natural to wonder if a treatment program can really help them.

While some individuals only need to attend a treatment center once to successfully maintain their sobriety, other individuals may need ongoing treatment or a return visit to remain sober.

You may feel disappointed, frustrated, and angry that your loved one has experienced a relapse. However, it’s not possible to “guilt” a loved one into staying sober. Remember, your loved one’s substance abuse is not your fault. The best thing that you can do is to help your loved one re-enter a treatment center and get them back on track towards achieving long-term sobriety.

Relapse Treatment: Finding the Right Treatment Center

If a loved one suffers a relapse, you can help by ensuring that your loved one gets the treatment they need to stay committed to their sobriety. With the right treatment program, the chances of your loved one remaining sober increases.

If your loved one initially participated in an outpatient treatment program, they may benefit from a longer stay at an inpatient center. Inpatient programs are able to provide round-the-clock care and may also have a greater variety of treatment options, including:

  • Holistic therapies
  • Behavioral counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Individualized activities

Many individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol also suffer from co-occurring disorders. For example, it is possible that in addition to alcohol addiction, your loved one may also have depression or bi-polar disorder. In the case of co-occurring disorders, it is important that you help your loved one find a treatment program that will address both the addiction itself, as well as any mental health disorders.

Additionally, the most successful treatment centers are those that address the reasons underlying an individual’s addiction, such as a past trauma or a mental health diagnosis. Until the reasons underlying an addiction are addressed, your loved one will continue to be at a greater risk for relapse.

Relapse Treatment: Preventing Future Relapse

After your loved one completes a treatment program, it is necessary to help create a bridge back to daily life. Many individuals benefit from a short-term stay at a sober living house, where sobriety is strictly enforced and other individuals are there to keep your loved one focused on recovery.

Creating a healthy, alcohol and drug-free environment post-treatment is also very important. Remove temptations for relapse. As part of relapse prevention, it may also be beneficial for you and your family to attend counseling sessions with your loved one. Learning more about addiction and the different ways that you can support your loved one’s sobriety is very important.

If a loved one is having a difficult time recovering from substance abuse, do not give up hope. Sobriety does not happen overnight. With the right treatment program, your loved one is more likely to get back on track towards long-term sobriety and live a full, meaningful life.